Sunday, November 22, 2015

Meal Log No.3

Greetings readers, I am late posting this third meal log. I have been fighting a very bad cold. That has not stopped me from going to work, a concert, a restaurant, and church. Sorry for the anti-germ people. I can't stop, I won't stop, doing what I have to do in my daily life for a cold. On to the list!

Breakfast: Sandwich with two slices of bacon (deli, thick-cut), and fried egg. 1-Liter of water, 12 oz. hot coffee with teaspoon clarified butter.

Lunch: Three slices of leftover pizza, 1-Liter of water.

Dinner: (Cracker Barrel) Gramma's sampler, 2 slices french toast (subbed) 1 slice bacon, 1 slice country ham, 1 piece sausage, 2 fried eggs (over medium). 8 ounces of orange juice. 4 16 ounce glasses of water.

Dessert: Chocolate Coke Cake with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Drive home: Low Carb Rock Star, Coffee. (We won tickets to a concert in a town that is roughly two and a half hours away, but with the road conditions it took about three and a half hours to get home. This was the first "energy drink" that I have consumed in approximately six months.)

So, this was not the healthiest day of meals. But it was a tasty day! Thanks for keeping up with me and my meal logs! Below is a photo of me enjoying my cake. Photo courtesy of my wife's Instagram.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Meal Log 2 11/19/15

Meal log No. 2

Ok, so I am uploading this late because I worked yesterday and I was sick.
I didn't eat much.

Breakfast: Breathe Easy tea, 1-liter warm water, 1 Cheese bagel from Costco.
Break time: Coffee (1/2 hot water) 16 oz.
Lunch Time: Three pieces of pizza from Dominoes (it was team lunch at work, and that is what everyone decided on.) 1 liter of water.
After work snack: One bite of home-made macaroni and cheese, 1 apple (Granny Smith).
Dinner: Indian Rice, Chicken Tika Masala. (I have no idea how much of this I ate, it was take-out and Jordyn and I both had a separate order. We made the rice at home and I would estimate that I ate a cup of rice. 1 liter of water.
Snack at 1:00 A.M:small spoon full of peanut butter (skippy)

So maybe that was a lot... it didn't seem like a lot of food yesterday.  I think that I spread things out a little more than I usually do.  I also didn't take any photos of my food yesterday. Dinner was the only thing that would have been interesting or photo worthy, but I was in the midst of making space on my hard drive and uploading a bunch of stuff to the cloud.  Thanks for checking in, and I hope that someone will respond with their meal list!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Meals Log for 11/18/2015

Meal log No. 1

So, I have decided to start a food log. One reason that I am doing this is so that I force myself to upload to this food blog since I have not been consistent in doing so thus far. Part of the reason for that is that I am working two jobs, aside from my responsibilities as a parent. I am also writing for (for a large portion of the year,) and that was keeping me very busy. I am also producing music and have challenged myself to produce one new track per week. I have been keeping up with that! I have also been making videos for my YouTube channel, and learning how to code the internet languages. In any case, I have been eating food every day, so I might as well log it. Logging activities have always been a good means of achieving a goal for me, historically).

Follow my music challenge here.

Follow my YouTube channel here.

Support me on Patreon here.

So I should tell you what my main goal is. I would like to be healthy, and enjoy the food I consume. That's it, that is my goal.

  • 1. 5:30 A.M.- Breathe Easy Tea, Quaker instant Oatmeal (Apples and Cinnamon flavor).
  • 2. 7:00 A.M.- 1 Liter Warm water
  • 3. 12:00 P.M.- 1 chocolate with chocolate frosting donut (someone brought three dozen of them to work).
  • 4. 12:45 P.M.- 12 oz coffee with 1 tablespoon clarified butter.
  • That's all so far today. I will check in later to continue my log.

  • Okay, several hours have passed now. It is after dinner. Here is a list of the other items that I ate today.

  • 1. 1/4 of a pita bread (shared with the baby while waiting for my wife to run an errand).
  • 2. Lettuce wraps-white rice and ground turkey mixed with sausage and green onions (filling) quantity of 5.
  • 3. Home-made Dim Sum. Ground turkey and sausage filling, quantity of 14.
  • 4. Sauce for dipping-Orange marmalade, soy sauce, Sambal chilli paste, brown sugar. Mixed together.
  • 5. Lots of water, sorry I didn't measure how much, but I am certainly hydrated. I ate this food over the course of the evening. Started around 6 P.M. and finished around 8:15 P.M. We had a lot of errands to run this evening, but the wraps and Dim Sum turned out to be so tasty that we (Jordyn and I) wanted to have more Dim Sum.
  • Okay, so this concludes day one of listing my meals/food that I consume. Thanks for checking it out, I will be back tomorrow with a new list!