Friday, November 20, 2015

Meal Log 2 11/19/15

Meal log No. 2

Ok, so I am uploading this late because I worked yesterday and I was sick.
I didn't eat much.

Breakfast: Breathe Easy tea, 1-liter warm water, 1 Cheese bagel from Costco.
Break time: Coffee (1/2 hot water) 16 oz.
Lunch Time: Three pieces of pizza from Dominoes (it was team lunch at work, and that is what everyone decided on.) 1 liter of water.
After work snack: One bite of home-made macaroni and cheese, 1 apple (Granny Smith).
Dinner: Indian Rice, Chicken Tika Masala. (I have no idea how much of this I ate, it was take-out and Jordyn and I both had a separate order. We made the rice at home and I would estimate that I ate a cup of rice. 1 liter of water.
Snack at 1:00 A.M:small spoon full of peanut butter (skippy)

So maybe that was a lot... it didn't seem like a lot of food yesterday.  I think that I spread things out a little more than I usually do.  I also didn't take any photos of my food yesterday. Dinner was the only thing that would have been interesting or photo worthy, but I was in the midst of making space on my hard drive and uploading a bunch of stuff to the cloud.  Thanks for checking in, and I hope that someone will respond with their meal list!

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