Sunday, November 22, 2015

Meal Log No.3

Greetings readers, I am late posting this third meal log. I have been fighting a very bad cold. That has not stopped me from going to work, a concert, a restaurant, and church. Sorry for the anti-germ people. I can't stop, I won't stop, doing what I have to do in my daily life for a cold. On to the list!

Breakfast: Sandwich with two slices of bacon (deli, thick-cut), and fried egg. 1-Liter of water, 12 oz. hot coffee with teaspoon clarified butter.

Lunch: Three slices of leftover pizza, 1-Liter of water.

Dinner: (Cracker Barrel) Gramma's sampler, 2 slices french toast (subbed) 1 slice bacon, 1 slice country ham, 1 piece sausage, 2 fried eggs (over medium). 8 ounces of orange juice. 4 16 ounce glasses of water.

Dessert: Chocolate Coke Cake with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Drive home: Low Carb Rock Star, Coffee. (We won tickets to a concert in a town that is roughly two and a half hours away, but with the road conditions it took about three and a half hours to get home. This was the first "energy drink" that I have consumed in approximately six months.)

So, this was not the healthiest day of meals. But it was a tasty day! Thanks for keeping up with me and my meal logs! Below is a photo of me enjoying my cake. Photo courtesy of my wife's Instagram.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Meal Log 2 11/19/15

Meal log No. 2

Ok, so I am uploading this late because I worked yesterday and I was sick.
I didn't eat much.

Breakfast: Breathe Easy tea, 1-liter warm water, 1 Cheese bagel from Costco.
Break time: Coffee (1/2 hot water) 16 oz.
Lunch Time: Three pieces of pizza from Dominoes (it was team lunch at work, and that is what everyone decided on.) 1 liter of water.
After work snack: One bite of home-made macaroni and cheese, 1 apple (Granny Smith).
Dinner: Indian Rice, Chicken Tika Masala. (I have no idea how much of this I ate, it was take-out and Jordyn and I both had a separate order. We made the rice at home and I would estimate that I ate a cup of rice. 1 liter of water.
Snack at 1:00 A.M:small spoon full of peanut butter (skippy)

So maybe that was a lot... it didn't seem like a lot of food yesterday.  I think that I spread things out a little more than I usually do.  I also didn't take any photos of my food yesterday. Dinner was the only thing that would have been interesting or photo worthy, but I was in the midst of making space on my hard drive and uploading a bunch of stuff to the cloud.  Thanks for checking in, and I hope that someone will respond with their meal list!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Meals Log for 11/18/2015

Meal log No. 1

So, I have decided to start a food log. One reason that I am doing this is so that I force myself to upload to this food blog since I have not been consistent in doing so thus far. Part of the reason for that is that I am working two jobs, aside from my responsibilities as a parent. I am also writing for (for a large portion of the year,) and that was keeping me very busy. I am also producing music and have challenged myself to produce one new track per week. I have been keeping up with that! I have also been making videos for my YouTube channel, and learning how to code the internet languages. In any case, I have been eating food every day, so I might as well log it. Logging activities have always been a good means of achieving a goal for me, historically).

Follow my music challenge here.

Follow my YouTube channel here.

Support me on Patreon here.

So I should tell you what my main goal is. I would like to be healthy, and enjoy the food I consume. That's it, that is my goal.

  • 1. 5:30 A.M.- Breathe Easy Tea, Quaker instant Oatmeal (Apples and Cinnamon flavor).
  • 2. 7:00 A.M.- 1 Liter Warm water
  • 3. 12:00 P.M.- 1 chocolate with chocolate frosting donut (someone brought three dozen of them to work).
  • 4. 12:45 P.M.- 12 oz coffee with 1 tablespoon clarified butter.
  • That's all so far today. I will check in later to continue my log.

  • Okay, several hours have passed now. It is after dinner. Here is a list of the other items that I ate today.

  • 1. 1/4 of a pita bread (shared with the baby while waiting for my wife to run an errand).
  • 2. Lettuce wraps-white rice and ground turkey mixed with sausage and green onions (filling) quantity of 5.
  • 3. Home-made Dim Sum. Ground turkey and sausage filling, quantity of 14.
  • 4. Sauce for dipping-Orange marmalade, soy sauce, Sambal chilli paste, brown sugar. Mixed together.
  • 5. Lots of water, sorry I didn't measure how much, but I am certainly hydrated. I ate this food over the course of the evening. Started around 6 P.M. and finished around 8:15 P.M. We had a lot of errands to run this evening, but the wraps and Dim Sum turned out to be so tasty that we (Jordyn and I) wanted to have more Dim Sum.
  • Okay, so this concludes day one of listing my meals/food that I consume. Thanks for checking it out, I will be back tomorrow with a new list!

    Saturday, April 11, 2015

    Wings and Things

         Recently I have had the pleasure of engaging my senses with a plethora of wings, in flavors ranging from honey bbq, jerk chicken, to curry spiced wings dipped in Sriracha hot sauce.  All of these we have made at home.  
         With so many spices,  the internet, and foods that are available within an easy journey these days it is hard to believe or even begin to ponder the idea that there are still people living without access to food.  That is a topic for another day.  I just wanted to plant that little seed in your mind to let it grow in hopes that it will produce some fruit of compassion and gratefulness out there.  After all, food is a necessity, a commodity, a luxury, and can feel like something magical.  Shouldn't all people be able to enjoy all the aspects of food? 
         So I will pose some questions for you to ponder.

    1.  What is your favorite type of wings?
    2.  Have you made wings at home? If not, what is stopping you? 
    3.  Who would you want to share your wings with the most? (This person can be alive or deceased.)

    Ponder away, and please let me know what your responses are in the comments.  Until next time I bid you dreams of bacon rainbows, chocolate rivers, and ice cream fortresses. 

    Wednesday, February 11, 2015

    Meals of far

    Chicken and pineapple plus rice and candied carrots
    Making chicken stock
    Honey sriracha Super Bowl wings
    Some Korean stuff
    Shrimp tacos
    Baked sweet potatoes and chicken
    Friday home made pizza night
    Stuffed peppers